
Australians with brain cancer
deserve better

For too long, they have had too few treatments and too little hope.

There’s been no standardised way to measure adherence to best practice care for brain cancer patients across Australia - so people’s outcomes can depend on variables like where they live and the resources they have to access gold standard treatment and care.

Brain cancer attacks a person’s personality, their physical abilities and cognitive function. The decline is often rapid. It’s frightening to lose the essence of who you are and know there is very little your doctors can do to stop it.

The toll on families is immense. They are thrown into an unexpected world of treatments and appointments even as they struggle with the shock of the diagnosis. .

Patients and loved ones quickly learn that brain cancer is among the most under-resourced of all cancers – and that survival rates have not improved in decades.

Brain Cancer Australia is supporting research-driven breakthroughs and improvements in patient care to make the biggest possible difference in the shortest possible time.

Here’s the impact we want
to make – with your help

Our integrated platforms will deliver a unique capacity to drive brain cancer research and improved clinical care. When fully funded and operational the platforms will immediately improve outcomes for all brain cancer patients, regardless of their age, location and socio-economic status.

Improved quality of life

Doctors, hospitals and health care providers will be able to identify and correct harmful variations in brain cancer patient care. Consistent best-practice health care will be available to patients across Australia. This care will give them more time, and a better quality of life in the time they have left.

Increased survival rates

There will be a greater number of robust brain cancer research projects and associated breakthroughs. Cost-effective, data-driven clinical trials will speed up the delivery of potential new treatments to patients. These efforts will lead to significant progress in improving survival rates over the coming decades.

Patients will benefit from a flow of new approaches and therapies

It will be easier for patients to register and consent for research that can lead to cutting-edge treatments. This will accelerate the movement of new treatments from bench to bedside. People with brain cancer will have the hope and reassurance that a well-resourced, generously funded brain cancer research community is working hard to save their lives.


Australia’s first national biobanking consortium of 89 leading researchers and clinicians.

Creation of a virtual hub for a national network of 20 brain cancer biobanks

World-class registry of brain cancer tissue and data with centralised online access to over 11,000 biospecimens

Collaborative partnerships with industry leaders, including CSIRO, Ramsay Health and state health departments.

National, multi-disciplinary approach to integrate biobanking and data collection

World-first publications on biobanking data standards and clinical quality indicators for best practice care.

Advocate Stories

The devastating legacy of brain cancer never leaves those it touches.
Tragically, it’s a disease that affects many children and young people in the prime of their lives.

Read our advocate stories to better understand how their lives have been affected.