Lenny and Mason
Today we desperately need major breakthroughs in brain cancer. It remains one of the most devastating cancers and is one of the most under researched of all the cancer groups. Please join me on the road to a cure by donating to drive brain cancer research forward.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and a receipt will be emailed to you.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Mark Bradley

Sally Masters

Jan & Eric Gilmartin
Well done Mason and Lenny, from Grandma and Grandad Gilmartin

Simon Gray
Well done Lenny! Love this, love you xo

Tate Jardine
You’re doing a great thing

A great cause boys, very proud of you both.

Nan And Pa Gray
What good boys you are doing something for someone in need. We are proud of you both. We’re looking forward to seeing you with shaved heads, what a hoot !

Great work Lenny and Mas!!! Very proud of you both!

Raynae & Brad Gilmartin
Good luck reaching your goal!

Box Family
Well done Mas and Lenny!

Nan & Pop Brown
Great work Mason & Lenny. So very, very proud of you both for your generous offer to shave your heads to raise money x

Well done boys!

Well done boys you should be very proud of yourselves

Kylie Davis

Kylie Brown
Well done boys.

Eternal Radiance
Well done legends!

Sarah Davidson
You guys are awesome well done.

Great effort boys.

Lindsay Reeve
Well done boys, from Lindsay and Helen

Daniel & Alison Proietto
Great work Lenny and Mason!!

Great idea boys - looking forward to seeing this cheers Zane caz and shane

Adrian & Krissy
Well done Lenny, super proud of you!

Barry Pepyat
Well done boys!

Body And Soul - Rita
Good job for a great cause boys!!

Cutajar Family
Thank you Lenny and Mason. I am a Neurosurgical specialist nurse who has been caring for brain cancer patients for over 20 years. What you are doing is very special. Well done boys

Kathryn Mitten
So proud of you wonderful young men

Jojo, Spencer, Sophie And Max
Go boys!

Naomi Joiner

Lukas Busch
Well done boys!

Laurie Checketts
Well done boys!

Stephen Mitten
All the best boys

Sarah Fowlie
Well done the two of you ! Jack asks if he can watch the headshaving (if restrictions allow?) 🤣

Go boys!

Hope you have nice, warm beanies. Well done.

Margaret Brooks
I think what you have done Mason and Lenny is very brave and admirable. The world needs more people like you! I am very proud to support you.

Zoe Treadwell
Hope to see you shave your head soon! I wish I get front row tickets 😂 but we’ll done for supporting a good cause. From Zoe

Nate Swale
Awesome work Lenny, I can’t wait to see you shave your head. The Swale’s

Great effort, well done!

Valerie Butler
Good on you Guys, what a great cause. You're both very kind.

Rochelle Ciccone
Well done boys 👍

Brenda Edgar
Done: Well done boys great job😊

The Macs
Great idea for a great cause, nice one guys x

Belinda Muscara
Well Done!

Speed Family

Yvette Sacco
Awesome job Mason and Lenny!


Thank you Lenny and Mason for raising money for an important charity. We respect, admire and appreciate you. From Mark and Cara Bradley ♥️