Our Ride
Follow us as we ride across Australia and help us reach our goal of raising $5,000 for the Brain Cancer Collective.
UPDATE: We've smashed our $10,000 target so we've increased our target to $25,000! Let's goooo!
To follow us on our trip visit -> https://instagram.com/twotwinsonebrain
Details of our ride
- Distance: 3500km
- Distance per day: Approx 125km per day
- Days: 34 days
- Dates: depart Perth 29th Aug, arrive Melb 1st Oct
- Riders: Jonathan and Benjamin Siero
- Joined from Adelaide to Melbourne by William Siero
- On Road Support: Supported by their father, Gerard Siero
- Charity: Brain Cancer Collective
About the ride
We are embarking on a monumental bike ride from Fremantle (WA) to Melbourne (VIC) during August and September 2022. The ride will traverse some 3,500 km’s and take approximately 34 days.
This ride is a way for us to support our family, build awareness of the Brain Cancer Collective’s vital work and raise much needed funds for brain cancer research.
About us
Jonathan Siero (Joni) — Hi, I'm the older of the twin brothers and I live in Perth with my partner Charlotte and groodle Basil.
In 2021, our step-father was diagnosed with Brain Cancer, which was a huge shock to our family. Unfortunately, the only treatment options he was given were chemo, which made him extremely unwell and surgery, which came with a lot of risks. Sadly, we recently witnessed another family friend suffer through this disease. Brain cancer can affect anyone and everyone, even those closest to you. Through this ride I’m looking to test my limits, bring awareness to brain cancer and hopefully reach our fundraising target to support the Brain Cancer Collective! We invite you to follow us on our journey as we challenge ourselves over these next 30 days.
Benjamin Siero (Beni) — Hi, I’m the younger twin by 12minutes. I am 32 years old and I live in Preston, Melbourne.
So where did the idea of riding across Australia originate? We grew up in lovely Perth, far away from our dad’s family on the east coast. Every second year my Dad, three siblings and I would cram into our old family Volvo (without air-conditioning) and drive east to visit the family for the Christmas school holidays. On the way we camped in caravan parks, in national parks and met people from all walks of life. I was always interested in those who were cycling across Australia and as a kid it didn’t seem so wild an idea that one day we could do it. It was always a wish or something that would be a nice idea, but we never seriously thought about it.
In September 2021, Melbourne was in the middle of our last big lockdown and I started thinking about this ride again. It seemed like the right time. International travel still wasn’t really on the cards yet, so the trip began to make more sense. We decided to lock-in the ride for September 2022, to give ourselves some time to train up and prepare.
William Siero (Will) — Hi I’m Will, the older, wiser brother… I’m 35, live in Melbourne and work in child health research. Having worked in the area of childhood cancer, I can say that raising funds is a powerful way to help. Through funding like this the survival rate of childhood cancers has increased from 20% to over 80% in just a few decades. And we can do the same for adult brain cancers. This is why we ask you to do donate generously.
I have very fond memories of our family trips driving across Australia. Though they may have seemed boring for a kid, the beauty of The Bight; the beaches, pools and rivers; the people we met along the way; and the time we spent with family and friends shaped me as a person. I’m excited to be able to do it at a slower pace and as an adult with my brothers and dad.
I love playing soccer, making (and drinking) wine, coffee, travel and most of all a meal around a table with family and friends. I’ll be missing the beginning of the trip but I’ll be coming in strong for the last leg! I’m looking forward to the challenge and the memories made along the way.
Gerard Siero — I love my family and I’m so very pleased to be contributing the support vehicle for my sons’ fundraising ride across the Nullarbor from Fremantle to Melbourne in support of Brain Cancer Research, a very worthy cause.
Being a dad is the best and most important thing I’ve done. I’m looking forward to sharing this experience with my men, crossing our beautiful island continent. At cycling pace, we can take the time to just be in our encounters with places and people along the way.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Peta Bromley

Deborah Woodman
Very proud of you. Keep safe

Marilyn Kyne
Awesome effort guys, great cause. Knew you would make it and still be smiling! Loved following your ride. Well done Beni, Joni, Will and Gerard.

Imo & Klaus
Need more footage of Will crashing

Keep your knees in the breeze boys ! 🚴

Elena, Peter And Dorana

Mason Bazeley

Bec Andrews
So so proud of you all! Such a great adventure for such a worthy cause. Can’t wait to follow your journey.

Valeh & Koorosh
You’ve got this! Good luck and thank you for raising awareness for a worthy cause.

Ollie & Sarah
Great work guys!

Don Don
You've got this! Such a wonderful cause xoxo

Paula Filippone
Congratulations guys! So proud of you <3

Lucius & Hannah
Amazing work guys, good luck!!

Bruce & Tricia
Ya crazy kids! Beautiful thing to do!

Cargo Crew Pty Ltd
What two legends!

James & Holly Clark
Enjoy the experience, we're both in awe of your dedication!

Sophia Jackson
All the best for your ride for the fundraising xx

Daniel And Sunday
We hope you all the most wonderful adventure! Lots of love xx

Louise Bromley

Neil Shonhard

Melissa Bromley

Claudia And Robert
Wonderful that you can do this. So proud of you all.

Jason Moss

Thomas Breen

Alison Hill
Well done. Such a long way. You have a wonderful family. Your mum and Sam must be so proud of all of you. Xx

Virginia Weaving
What an exceptional effort and cause. My huge congratulations to you both.

Stearne Family
Have an amazing ride! Once in a lifetime opportunity for a great cause. Good luck lads!

Kate Giblett

David King

Clare Valley Caravan & Cabin Park
Thanks for staying with us in the Clare Valley! Great cause you’re riding for and we wish you safe onward travels! Dad too!

Cam And Hayley

The Buratto’s
Super stars!

Jill Godfrey
Good luck boys watch out for the kangas!

Liz Joyce
Good luck with your amazing journey.

Penny G
‘Logic will get you from a-b but imagination will take you everywhere.’ Journey well ya legends! 🚴🚴♂️

Nat & Mike Woodman
All the best in fundraising, hoping for an epic, safe trip across our amazing continent for you - good work, Jon, Ben and Will, and look after them, Gerard! xoxo

Miles Advisory Partners
Epic journey - the team at Miles will be watching the adventure!

Proud of you. Go boy!!

Libby Hughes

Such a great thing you are all doing! Amazing!


Geoffrey O'donnell
Keep up the good work!

Jenn, Gareth And Charlieeeee! X
Legends!!!!!!!!!!! Such a fabulous cause, sending love x

Caitlin M
So impressed guys! Keep up the great work!! 🚴♂️

Kris & Ev

Flower Bird
Go Forth! Stay safe. Enjoy the ride!

Carmen Stewart
Wow! Amazing endeavour. I wish you all the best!

Jen Jeffery
So proud of you guys!! Bloody Legends, JX

David Hart
Good work guys! Hope you can stand to see the bikes again after you've finished.

Adrian Young
Wow…so,proud of you two amazing humans…travel safe …❤️

Bernadette Obrien
Loving the IG updates. Well done & take care.

Emma Bromley
Good luck guys!

Michael Raper
Fantastic effort- am in full admiration! Congratulations and best wishes from my sibling cycle group (Brown’s Cows Cycle Club). Michael Raper.

Domenic Romeo
Well done guys. Great cause !!! Stay safe.

Elizabeth And Keith
Best wishes for the ride from North Freo friends of Dorana & Peter

Jesse Bromley
Amazing stuff guys, good luck!!

Stephanie Lane
A genuinely inspiring & courageous feat for such an important cause. 👏

Amazing cause and an awesome challenge. Enjoy the journey!

Fran And Pat Irwin
Inspiring to see the journey unfold and the wonderful bond between you all that has enabled you to undertake the trip and make this valuable research donation. Go the Siero's!

Stephen Dodd
Give em hell!

Kate & Benson
It has been fabulous watching your journey across the country! You guys have smashed it and done it with such grace and humour. We wish we were in Melbourne to welcome you there and celebrate the end of an epic journey xx

Sam & Xavier
I don’t know how you guys made that ride look easy but you did it! Sam & I followed along from Berlin and wish we could be there to congratulate you! Beautiful stuff!

Samantha & Xavier
Well done guys! Xav and I lived following along. We woke up everyday and would catch up with hoe you guys got on. Amazing effort!!

The Miliotis’
Great job gents, truly epic!

Capacity Building Hub
So proud of you and the challenge you have taken on. Best wishes for a safe and amazing journey.

Donna Kyle
Excellent effort - having fun & doing good work. Enjoy!

Adam Piers
Amazing work guys! Decent domestique joining from Adelaide to Melbs from the looks of it!

Lucy And Kate
Best of luck - have a great ride

Camlin & Chris

Gerard Siero
So pleased and proud of you. It'll be a great adventure.

Simon Kelly

Hannah Klauz
Woohoo!! Go Jono and Benny!! You guys are incredible! Stay safe and just keep riding!!! All the best!!!

Mel & Josh
Amazing efforts Joni and Ben!! This is so amazing what you are both achieving! Good luck.

Lauren And James
Jonni pick up that training so you can keep up with Beni ;) Very proud of you guys! Can’t wait to follow along with updates!

Luke Edwards
Go Sieros go!

Annette And Ian
Ride safely and be kind to each other

Jeanne Scollay
What a mighty feat of pedalling. Go your feet! Jeanne

Mon And Luke
Proud of you! Good luck!

Katharine And Nick
Incredible thing to be doing! Looking forward to hearing all about it

Mark And Eve
All the best on your trip guys! We’ll be there to cheer you through the finish line

Connie Capoccia
Stay safe

Mark Farrell

Clancyellie Scollay
Bon Voyage you bloody legends!

Matias San Miguel
All the best in the ride mates!

Krijn Haasnoot
I see the Dutch roots in how you paddle! Enjoy the ride boys!

Heather Paino
Love your work, thank you for raising money for such an important cause.

Michelle Boekelaar
Best of luck!

Rob Logie

Philip Weller
Have a great ride:)

Pamela Murphy


Matthew Prindiville

Rhett Nicholas
Good luck boys! Safe journey

Such a great cause. Good luck!!

Great job boys 🖤 stay safe and may the wind be at your back.

Nicole Cropper
Good luck guys!

David P
Great cause guys. Have a safe, comfortable and non-eventful ride

Fiona Stevenson
Donating on behalf of my son who is living with an aquired brain injury from a brain tumour. Good luck and well done!

Lucy Toll
Amazing effort guys. My nephew is in remission for brain cancer and we know first hand that research saves lives.

Alison Kerr

Eleanore Calvezzi
Amazing work guys!

Great cause and amazing effort - very inspiring. Wishing you all the best.

Linda And Bill Rehill

Lindy Murphy


Bruce A Watson
Drove past these young men between Norseman & Balladonia today in atrocious conditions. Met them at the roadhouse for dinner. Very impressive boys!

Josie May

Kathryn Riessen
Keep those legs turning over!

Gretta & Mark
Absolutely loving the commentary on the stories. Solid effort on the ride!! Inspirational!

Susie G
Good luck!

James Juett
G'day boys! Truly inspirational stuff and an excellent cause. I wish you all the best in your challenging ride across Australia! Cheers James

Jeannette Correia
Wishing you all the best on your journey... safe travels 💛

David Heath
Absolute legends. We couldn’t think a more worthy cause and effort. Best of luck! Johnsy and Nomz

legends. when i grow up i wanna be a siero too. smash it lads!

Hey guys, met you at Nullarbor roadhouse, my dog Ted was happy you came and said hi

Paul Xanthos

Louise Ludlow
All the best to your family Will :)

Lawrie Quinn
You go old neighbours! Be careful on the road!

Candy And Col
Great to meet you both yesterday and your Dad. Good on you both riding for a great cause. Happy riding

Ruth & Peter Gilder
Have fun, ride well and safely. Great cause.

Dianne Egan
Well done boys will be thinking of you all on your ride and following your progress which I’m sure dad will post. Love to you Joni, Beni & Will

Lynn East
Good luck boys and enjoy the experience 😘 Xxx

Callim And Kerrie
From the real owners or the 591 million dollar red diamond. Good on ya guys hope the snakes get you through.

David Prentice
Awesome effort, enjoyed our time chatting. From the very most reverends of leasingham.

Warwick Stone
Legends! What a ride.

Asher & Htet
Go on lads! Nearly at the final stretch! Put a couple $$ aside for some more betadine for Will while you’re at it.. ;)

Great work, chaps! good for you! stay safe on that final day. The last leg is the hardest (emotionally).

Peter Szacsvay

Tarnia Nicholas
What a fantastic cause. Good luck!

Naomi Schwarz
All the best for home stretch Will and team!

Awesome effort guys. Good luck!

John & Shae O'brien
Well done boys you're smashing it! Absolutely inspiring stuff and a stellar effort. Keep up the hard peddling, you're on the home straight! ❤️👏👏

Enjoy the last few days!

Bill Cox
Good luck!

Jack Jeffery

Amazing effort Joni and Beni! Wish you both all the strength you need for this mammoth bike ride.

Ryan Egan

Sandra Filippone

Afke Halbesma
Good luck with the last kilometres!


Lesley And Neil
Great effort guys!

Richard Meredith
Congratulations on the huge effort, what an achievement!

Sooz Clifford
Just keep pedaling Will! Wild way to spend your holiday, go well and enjoy the journey!

My Dad passed away with a GBM brain cancer 2 years ago a fit and otherwise healthy man it was a shock to us all. I hope there is a cure one day

Nick Connellan
You guys are legends! Well done.

Brigid Regan
Good luck! Enjoy it

Good luck guys. Ride safe 💙💙

Donna Gray
Such a great cause. All the best.

Susan Keerie

Janet And Nigel Pink
Joni and Benny….wishing you the best of luck on your amazing journey. Such a great adventure and fund raiser for a worthy cause!

Ella Fajdiga

Angie Pants
So proud of you, my dudes! Just think of the gains in your darkest moments and don’t forget the butt cream!

Enjoy the trip!

Helene Kammoun
Good luck! An impressive endeavour for a really worthy cause!

Clementine Kohler
Good luck fellas! Just keep peddling and let the good vibes roll. Proud of you bothxx Clem :D

Max Tam

Jodes And Kyle Mclaren
Good luck boys!! What an amazing cause and amazing trip!

Lucy Jeffery
Good luck guys… so amazing!!

Richard Meredith
Good luck on the ride to both of you! Rick and Ash Xoxo

Sam Baynes

Carol And Derek Woodman

Amazing work guys 🚴

Tahlia Yap

Richard Mugridge

Kirsty Jones
All the best with the ride, Amazing what you are both doing.

Lu Pear

Simon Gratton
Good luck, hope you have so.e chamois cream ;)

Sam Curry
Good on ya boys, have a great ride!

Sanaz B
Great work!

Nancye Milestweedie

Amelie M
Amazing! Best of luck on your adventure.

Lee Hayes

Melanie Kira
Amazing work guys!

Bron Hart
Good luck guys!

Jayden Mews
Great work Jonathan! Goodluck on the ride

Am Herbert
Wo wo wo!

Celine Tan

Julie Plummer
Good luck boys from the Wheatbelt Wanderers… cycling WA

Jessica C Lawless





Raj Jadeja

Eva Key
You guys ROCK. All the very best. Stay safe

An amazing challenge for a good cause. I know the training and preparation will pay off. Best of luck!

Kym Watling

Bronwyn Hughes

Lisa Eade

Jan Coates
Sensational of you to do this.

Praying for your stepdad's recovery and great cause for brain cancer research!

James Brookes
Good work boys! Good luck on the journey!

Ciara Coleman
Amazing cause and huge effort, congrats!


Felix Andrews
Good luck! Have a great time! You’re very brave to do this!
Safe travels, enjoy the experience,